
Our Services

Business Excellence

Leadership requires a new understanding of management and guidance that meets today's challenges. Leadership is responsible for the future course of the company and all contributors depend on this vision and direction. We are looking forward supporting you in implementing this very important and complex performance management step.

  • Leadership / Performance Management
  • Vision / Mission
  • Agile corporate management / coaching
  • Business transformation


We often refer to sales as the heart of a company, because without sales there is no income. The requirements are very diverse with planning, processes, strategy, concepts and organization and require the highest level of attention and professionalism.

  • Distribution & Structures
  • Sales processes
  • Sales organization & controlling
  • Sales strategies
  • Digitalization


Marketing has a support function for all areas of the company in order to consistently implement the CI and the brand. In addition, there is a management task for marketing strategies, concepts and measures and much more, which must be implemented strictly in terms of planning. Together with you, we analyze and develop your individual and tailor-made optimization options.

  • Marketing planning
  • Concepts & Strategies
  • Branding
  • Corporate identity
  • Corporate communication


Strategy processes should be flexible and individually tailored to the specific requirements of the respective areas, taking into account the employees. The process requires several steps such as the analytical phase, setting goals, development, implementation and communication.

  • Strategic planning
  • Sales & Market Strategies
  • Business alignment / future alignment
  • Transformation process


Supervisory and advisory boards are important elements in organizations which provide helpful external input. This usually includes giving advice, recommendations in a controlling function. We happily provide you with long-term support following your advisory assignment in the form of membership in supervisory or advisory boards. Advisory board - Controlling advisory board - Advisory board with decision-making powers

  • Advising the management and supporting them in strategic issues
  • Control of the management and approval of important investment decisions
  • Influence on the strategic direction of the company by representing the interests of the owners
  • Reliable support during implementation
  • Long-term support

Company Succession

Every succession plan in a company is different and brings its own complexities. Small and medium-sized family businesses in particular often lack a good succession concept and the emotional component can also be a major challenge.


We accompany you in the succession planning of your company. A structured and methodical approach ensures a plannable and controlled handover to the generation taking over.

  • It is about the orderly handover and safeguarding of the life's work
  • Company succession is much more than job and function succession
  • Roadmap with future ideas, structure, organisation, roles & responsibilities
  • Financial aspects, regulations and financial concept

We are happy to discuss your individual requirements!

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